The end of days according to Farmer-Prophet Siener van Rensburg ( 1860-1927 )
Brief information concerning mr Siener van Rensburg; Mr. van Rensburg was born in the 19th
century in the Northern part of South Africa in a farmers' family, and has been known by the
local religious community and nationwide as a very devout man and an instrument of God.
During his life he has had more then a hundred dreams and visions, almost all of them were written down by his daughter, creating one of the most insightful documents revealing the life of a prophet used by God.
Mr. van Rensburg has been known as a very humble man, reading only his bible, no newspapers and an interesting detail was also that he was not able to write.
I can't begin to summarize or translate all the work that is available in Afrikaans, it would take me
years to compile and translate, as almost all of the information I currently have on the man is in printed form, and not digital so a translation machine could do anything with it. As the content of the dream-prophecies of mr. van Rensburg also deal with world events it would be interesting to translate those to English if only it were for 2nd opinion, confirmation as it is written :
Deu 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
On the question as to why so less if anything has been released I can say that mr. van Rensburg's writings were/are primarily intended for the -Afrikaner Boerevolk- and secondary for the inhabitants of South Africa and it's neighboring or originating countries (such as: the Netherlands and Germany )
One of the other reasons is that the bulk of this information came to be in the Anglo-Boere war that until this day has produced an anti-English sentiment in the Afrikaner camp.....
In short some key dream the man had come down to this :
South Africa
1960-1994, the South African government loses more and more grip on situations and circumstances because they 'forgot' their Lord and God that gave them the country in the first place.
e.g.: daily opening prayer in parliament was abolished in 1972 for the sake of Muslims and Hindus.
1994 - mr. van Rensburg correctly prophesied the release of Mr. Mandela, it's political ties (communism) and the false and violent 'peace' that the man and it's party 'preaches'.
1994 until the death of nelson Mandela: the era in which the boerevolk (afrikaners) lose their power in parliament, get persecuted, murdered and alienated from their origin/roots. note: South Africa has got with the anc a 70% party; therefore it hardly can be called a democracy.
The death of nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur, and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: zimbabwe type of actions). These actions are however short lived; the revolt is quenched in a border town called Prieska and the people causing the revolt then are scattered. Mr. van Rensburg has prophesied that weapons will be transported over a railway line to that town; that railway has been completed last year.
During the time of that new government the Lord will return and establish His Millennial reign on the Earth, but also very big trouble will be upon the earth, and as a result many European refugees will flee to South Africa.
The second coming of the Lord being a jubilee year it'll cause the borders of South Africa to extent beyond Zimbabwe and Namibia. Striking details in his dreams and prophecies are known, and symbols reoccurring in his visions are consistent and can be with relative ease correctly interpreted.
The World (especially England, France and USA)
America and England will become bankrupt and full of debts.
England will be totally annihilated, even their ground will burn away as a Russian-led invasion will invade Europe through Turkey and use terrible weapons.
The invasion will be stopped in France by German-American forces. Mr. van Rensburg actually made a remark that Germany will receive new 'ground-breaking' technology from America that they (the Germans) will use to defeat the Russian invasion; the USA will be unable to respond in a timely manner because of a severe attack on their troops, ground and finances.
Mr. van Rensburg also indicated that the trouble for South Africa will be much shorter lived when compared to other countries also less troublesome, as the Lord will send His power and blessing causing South Africa to be a safe-haven for Christians from all over the world.
Sources: Siener van Rensburg - Adriaan Snyman and
As time and the Net itself permits, I’ll add some URL’s to English translated dreams and interpretations.